
The Truffle Farm is located at 844 mole creek road, Deloraine. We advise that you enter this address into either Apple or Google maps. This area, although being 7 minutes from Deloraine, is also recognised as NEEDLES, so if this pops up on your maps, you are on the right track. 

We are located approximately 8km from Deloraine and will be on your right hand side, OR if you are coming from Mole Creek, we are approximately 16km from the town centre and our entrance will be on your left hand side. 

Once you arrive at our farm entrance, the road is called 'ASKRIGG LANE' this may also appear on your maps. 

JUST TO NOTE: There are other Truffle producers in the district, to avoid confusion keep an eye out for our signature golden Labrador and the sign pictured.

Watch our video on where to find us